East Village Apartments Terms & Conditions

These conditions govern all bookings made with East Village Apartments registered in England whose registered office 483 Green Lanes. You accept these conditions yourself and on behalf of all members of your party whether you are booking as a guest or on behalf of others. 



East Village Apartments/us/we/our: East Village Apartments

The Booker/you/your/guest: The person using services provided by East Village Apartments

The Group/Group Bookings: A booking of three or more apartments in the same property

East Village Apartments Operated Property/Properties/Apartments: The accommodation provided by and operated by East Village Apartments 

Booking Conditions: The payment and cancellation terms applicable when booking East Village Apartments.

Offline: A booking/enquiry made with East Village Apartments, via telephone, email or third party intermediary (website/agent).

Online: A booking/enquiry made with East Village Apartments via www.eastvillage-belfast.co.uk

Property: The physical building being provided for your accommodation.

Apartment: The specific apartment provided within a property for your accommodation

Visitors: People visiting the Guest/Guests staying in apartments provided by East Village Apartments

Booking Charge: The total charges related to your stay.  This includes, but is not limited to, the agreed nightly rate multiplied by the number of nights you stay, agreed additions for cleaning and laundry and any extra charges made due to damage caused by you or excessive use of electricity.

Your Booking

1. Any booking made will only be confirmed once payment has been made in full and your confirmation has been sent by us (unless otherwise specified). Upon completing your booking and receiving your confirmation you enter into a contract with East Village Apartments on our stated terms and conditions.

2. Restrictions may apply including, but not limited to, minimum night stay, age restrictions, security deposit; you will be advised of these at the time of booking where applicable. We reserve the right to refuse any booking at any time.

3. All guest names and contact telephone numbers are required at the time of booking including confirmation whether they are adults or minors.

4. As soon as your confirmation and invoice are received, please check the details carefully. If anything is not correct you should tell us immediately. However, we regret we cannot accept any liability if we are not notified of any inaccuracy in the documentation. If there is an error in the confirmation or invoice, we reserve the right to correct it as soon as we become aware of it and will do so within 7 days of issue of the confirmation or invoice or, if your arrival date is within 7 days of booking, no later than 24 hours before your arrival date.

Proof of Identity

Please note that East Village Apartments reserves the right to request a copy of any Guest’s Photo ID prior to check in. East Village Apartments further reserves the right to ensure that the Guest checking in matches the Photo ID. Should no Photo ID be provided or the Guest checking in is not the same person identified by the Photo ID, East Village Apartments reserves the right to refuse or cancel the booking and refuse entry to the building at Check In.


If you have booked via a company, Limited liability or otherwise, both the directors and the guests are joint and several guarantors to the terms and conditions set out here.  This includes but is not limited to liability for any and all Booking Charges.  For avoidance of doubt, should the company fail to pay the directors and guest(s) will be held jointly liable for any shortfall.

Your Online Booking

If you make an instant online booking, you will be taken to a confirmation screen with a summary of your booking, including your booking reference number and the booking conditions made up of the apartment’s payment terms, cancellation policy and check-in procedure. Shortly after making your booking, you will also receive a full confirmation email re-iterating this.

1. Special Requests

East Village Apartments will do everything we can to help guests with special requests or requirements. Please ensure we are made aware in writing of any special requirements at the time of booking so we can help you select the most suitable apartment for your needs. Although we will strive to meet any reasonable requests no guarantees can be given that any request will be met. Conditional bookings cannot be accepted i.e. any booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request.

2. Group Bookings

Special conditions may apply and these will be advised at the time of booking. Cancellation charges and notice periods may differ and will be advised at the time of request.

3. Payment

Our online payment policy is clearly displayed on our website at the time of booking on the confirmation page and may also be provided on your confirmation email. Secure payment to be made via credit or debit card on www.eastvillage-belfast.co.uk.

Payment to be made in Pounds Sterling. 

For corporate bookers with agreed credit terms payment to be made by bank transfer: (bank details are available on request) after making the booking online.

If payment does not reach us at the required time we reserve the right to suspend or cancel any booking made.

4. Security Deposit

A Security deposit of at least £100.00 – £500.00 to cover “additional charges “, including breakages, damages, extra cleaning and further accommodation charges incurred during your stay, will be taken and you will be advised whether this is payable at the time of booking or on arrival at the apartment. This deposit amount will be returned upon departure once the room has been cleared by our staff and has no evidence of illegal activity, breakages or damages and does not require extra cleaning etc. 

5. Payment of Additional Charges

Valid credit/debit card details must be supplied at the time of booking and/or upon arrival at the apartments to cover “additional charges”. These charges will be deducted from any Security Deposit held or from a debit/credit card supplied and any balance on the security deposit will be refunded. A written statement of the “additional charges” will be sent to you. In the event that payment under a debit/credit card is declined, or no card details are provided, we reserve the right to invoice the booker or guest direct for these charges.


When you make a reservation through our website www.eastvillage-belfast.co.uk the rate you see on your search results page at the time of booking is the rate we apply and confirm to you. Rates are per apartment, not per person and are inclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.

The rates we advertise are, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the date of publication but we reserve the right to change any rates based on season or availability. Prior to the booking being confirmed rates quoted are based on the rates prevailing at the time but are subject to change. Once a booking has been confirmed we will not change the rate quoted unless you amend the booking or our cost of supplying the accommodation changes as a result of tax or regulatory changes beyond our control. VAT is charged at the rate in force at the time of booking.

Changes, Extensions and Cancellations

All requests for changes, extensions and cancellations must be made in writing or you will be liable to pay us the full amount of the booking.
Extensions; If you wish to extend a stay please give us as much notice as possible in order to facilitate your request. All extensions are subject to availability and rate change.

Where notice to extend a stay has been given we reserve the right to take all additional payments and charges from any credit/debit card used to make the original booking, or an invoice for the extended period will be sent via email and payment must be made by return.
East Village Apartments reserves the right to treat an early departure or reduction in the number of nights or apartments booked as a cancellation and apartments may be re-let and cancellation charges will apply. Non-arrivals will be treated as a cancellation and refunds may not be given.
Transaction fees are not refundable in the event of a cancellation.

Cancellations; The cancellation policy should be requested at the time of booking.

Booking conditions relate to the payment and cancellation terms displayed online when booking. These may differ between apartment type and rate booked; it is your responsibility to read these carefully.

Cancellation charges relate to the date prior to arrival when we are notified of the cancellation and will determine the cancellation charges incurred according to apartment type and rate booked online.

Notice periods also apply to early departure, or reduction in the number of minimum nights stay. Once in-house the early departure penalty is 7 nights.

Changes by Us

We do not expect to have to make any changes to your booking however occasionally bookings have to be changed or cancelled or errors in information or other details corrected and we reserve the right to do so. If this does happen, we will contact you by telephone or email where reasonably possible. If a change has to be made or your booking has to be cancelled we will, if possible, offer you an alternative apartment of similar type and standard in a similar location for the same nightly rate. If the alternative apartment is advertised at a lower price, you will receive a refund of the price difference. However if the alternative apartment is at a higher price the new price will be payable. If you do not wish to accept a change or any alternative apartment offered or we cannot offer you a suitable alternative apartment, you may be entitled to cancel your booking and receive a refund unless this is the result of an Event beyond our Control – see below. You should tell us as soon as possible whether you wish to accept any change or alternative apartment offered or alternatively if you want a refund.

Events beyond our Control include but are not limited to the following: outbreak of hostilities, riot, civil disturbance, acts of terrorism, revolution, the act of any government or authority (including but not limited to refusal or revocation of any licence or consent), fire, flood, lightning, explosion, fog or bad weather, epidemic, interruption or failure of a utility service (including but not limited to electricity, gas, water or telecommunications), renovations and building work undertaken at the property or in the local area, strikes, lockouts or boycotts, embargo, blockade.


We are not responsible for the theft and/or damage of your personal belongings during your stay in any apartment booked. Therefore you are advised to ensure you have appropriate insurances in place. In addition you are advised to ensure you have appropriate travel insurance to cover cancellation and medical expenses.


Considerable care has been taken to ensure that the content of our website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) is correct but it is subject to amendment at any time without notice. All content on our website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) is published in good faith. Given the above factors, we do not warrant that any of the content on our website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) accurately or completely describes any of the apartments.


We are responsible for our own operated apartments, subject to the following conditions.

All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law or otherwise are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from any contract with us and these conditions shall apply in their place. However, nothing in these terms and conditions will affect your statutory rights if you are a consumer. Nothing in these terms and conditions limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us, or any liability that cannot by law be excluded.

Subject to the limitations set out in these terms and conditions and to the extent permitted by law, we shall only be liable for direct damages actually suffered, paid or incurred by you due to an attributable shortcoming of our obligations in respect to our services, up to an aggregate amount equal to the cost of your reservation as set out in the confirmation email (whether for one event or series of connected events).

However and to the extent permitted by law, neither we nor any of our officers, directors, employees, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, distributors, affiliate (distribution) partners, licensees, agents or others involved in creating, sponsoring, promoting, or otherwise making available the site and its contents shall be liable for (i) any punitive, special, indirect or consequential loss or damages, any loss of production, loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of contract, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of claim, (ii) any inaccuracy relating to the (descriptive) information (including rates, availability and ratings) of the accommodation as made available on our website, (iii)  any (direct, indirect, consequential or punitive) damages, losses or costs suffered, incurred or paid by you, pursuant to, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use or delay of our website, or (iv) any (personal) injury, death, property damage, or other (direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive) damages, losses or costs suffered, incurred or paid by you, whether due to (legal) acts, errors, breaches, (gross) negligence, wilful misconduct, omissions, non-performance, misrepresentations, tort or strict liability by or (wholly or partly) attributable to the accommodation or any of our other business partners (including any of their employees, directors, officers, agents, representatives or affiliated companies) whose products or service are (directly or indirectly) made available, offered or promoted on or through the website, including any (partial) cancellation, overbooking, strike, force majeure or any other event beyond our control.

If you are booking for, as or on behalf of a business or business employee, that business shall indemnify us against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including any direct or indirect consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal and other reasonable professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with your, or your business’s, breach or negligent performance or non-performance of these terms and conditions. If you are booking for, as, or on behalf of a business or business employee, our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of your booking shall be limited to the fees paid to us under your booking.

Your Accommodation

All apartments are occupied as serviced apartments and are only to be used as temporary or holiday accommodation for you, or your organisation. They are not for use as the principal, additional home or residence of guests; you will not be entitled to a tenancy or an assured shorthold or assured tenancy. No relationship of landlord and tenant is created and no statutory security of tenure exists now or when the period of occupation ends. If you or any member of your party fails to vacate at the end of the period you will be charged the appropriate accommodation charges for the continued period of occupation. No persons other than the guests have the right to use the apartment.

These conditions constitute an excluded agreement under S(3A)(7)(a)of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 (as amended) and cannot be construed as an assured tenancy under the Housing Act 1988 (as amended).We cannot guarantee an exact apartment number prior to arrival. The maximum guests in an apartment is determined by the number of beds in the apartment. If the maximum number is exceeded then we may refuse access to the accommodation and/or reserve the right to charge for additional apartments.

Arriving and Departing

Check-In at East Village Apartments is from 3pm to 7pm.  All East Village Apartments guests are expected to Check-Out no later than 10:00am on the day of departure. Early arrival or late departure may be available for an additional charge but cannot be guaranteed until the day of arrival or departure.

Access to Your Apartment

Check-In is in person. You will be greeted at the main entrance at an agreed time and taken to your apartment and given a set of keys which you should drop into the key return box in the lobby upon departure.

Facilities and Services

1. Cleaning: For stays of more than 28 days our apartments are cleaned fortnightly and the cost of this is included in your reservation fee. The day your cleaning is scheduled will be advised on arrival. Fortnightly housekeeping includes linen/towel change and general cleaning.  East Village Apartments will conduct general cleaning to the Apartments Monday to Sunday. Extra servicing is available upon request but is chargeable.

2. Maintenance: Routine maintenance is carried out regularly by our Management team; however, occasionally we may need access to your apartment to carry out essential maintenance. We will normally give you 24hours notice except in the event of an emergency when we require immediate access.

3. The guest is responsible for reporting maintenance issues as soon as they become aware of them. We reserve the right to charge the Guest for any damage incurred as a direct result of a maintenance issue not being reported as soon it becomes apparent.

4. Internet Access: Information about Internet access will be provided at time of booking and on arrival. Access is subject to the East Village Apartments acceptable use policy which in the interest of fairness and to ensure the best service for all guests limits the data download to a maximum limit of 1GB (1024MB) per day. If this limit is exceeded East Village Apartments reserves the right to impose a charge for excess. At peak times the bandwidth available for connection to the Internet may be under pressure due to the number of people connecting to the Internet, both internally and externally. East Village Apartments recommends that activities requiring increased bandwidth such as Skype, Movie/TV streaming is limited at these times. A support service is available to assist guests connecting to the Internet but if in East village apartments’ opinion the fault is deemed to be with the guest’s equipment no support can be provided. Guests must not interfere, move or disconnect any equipment relating to the provision of the Internet access and must not use the connection for any illegal or immoral purpose (including but not limited to file sharing) and East Village Apartments reserve the right to pass on any record to the authorities should East Village Apartments be made aware of any such use. East Village Apartments reserves the right to disconnect a guest at any time without notice if, in East village apartments’ opinion, they breach any of these terms and conditions (including exceeding the download limit) .

5. Security: Guests will be provided with a set of keys/ to access the property and the apartment. Additional sets can be provided on request. It is your responsibility to ensure you are in possession of these at all times and that they are returned at the end of your stay. An additional charge will be made for replacements and if we are required to provide access due to lost or forgotten keys. Please note that lost keys mean that, in order to provide security for future guests, we also need to replace the lock cylinder.

6. Interruption to services: We will make every effort to ensure that guests enjoy a peaceful stay, however, cannot guarantee or be held responsible for any failure or interruption of services to the apartment or the building, including electricity, air conditioning, water or any damage to telephone, broadband/ internet and other communications, including disruption or noise caused as a result of repair works being carried out in another part of the property. Where we are made aware of such failure or interruption we will endeavour to rectify such services within a reasonable period of time at our apartments.

7. Guest Services: Our guest services team is available to ensure your stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Contact details and working hours are made available on arrival.

8. Electricity Use: A fair usage policy applies to electricity use which is remotely monitored and recorded for each apartment. Up to 30kwh (units) per day of electricity, averaged over any rolling 7 day period is considered fair. Above this, we reserve the right to charge for electricity at a rate equal to the SSE Airtricity Standard Tariff  ’24 Hour Home Electricity’. For reference, UK Power estimates that electricity usage of 8-10kwh per day is average.

Guest Responsibility

Guests are expected to comply with the House Rules for each apartment. If any guest breaches any of these conditions or the regulations, we reserve the right to request a guest vacate their apartment immediately without refund.

1. Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in any apartment or apartment building.

2. Nuisance: Guests are required to behave in a responsible manner, respect the apartment and their fellow guests and keep noise to a minimum between the hours of 10pm and 7am. This includes causing any sort of nuisance or disruption to fellow guests or using threatening or abusive behaviour towards a member of staff on the phone, in writing or in person. Guests are not permitted to use the apartment for any illegal or immoral purposes. An additional charge will be made if the Management team is called out in response to a nuisance complaint.

3. Age Restrictions: In order to ensure our guests enjoy a stay free from disturbance, non-corporate bookings may not be accepted if guests are under the age of 21. Proof of identification and date of birth may be requested on arrival and if not presented on request, we reserve the right to cancel the booking.

4. Visitors: Guests are responsible for their visitors. Non-residents will not be allowed access to the apartments after 11pm and we operate a strict no party policy.

5. Damage: Guests are required to keep the apartment, furniture, fittings and effects in the same condition as on arrival. Inventories and condition reports can be provided at the start and end of the stay, if required, at an additional cost. You are required to notify us of any damage, loss or broken items or matters requiring general maintenance. Any damage to the apartment will be charged in full. In the event that these are discovered after departure we will notify you or the booker within 7 days of departure with full details and where possible photographic evidence.

6. Cleanliness: We expect the apartments to be left in a reasonable state of cleanliness and order on departure. An additional charge will be made for extra cleaning or specialist cleaning to return the apartment to a fit state for occupation. Additional charges may include compensation for loss of revenue in addition to cleaning and repairs.

7. Lost Property: All your possessions should be removed from the apartment on the date of departure. We will use reasonable endeavours to retain any lost items for up to 1 month after your departure date. Email: info@eastvillage-belfast.co.uk for enquiries relating to lost items.

8. Pets are not allowed in the building.

Additional Charges

As a guide, additional charges include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Breakages, loss or damage to the apartment or any of its contents

2. Cleaning, specialist treatment charges where more than routine cleaning is required or smoking has occurred: £200.

3. Inventory and condition reports: £50 .

4. Lost keys: £100 per key

5. Call out charge for locked out Guests £50

6. Extra bed (inflatable or rollaway £20-£45 per night,

7. Other services e.g. laundry, extra cleaning may be available on request

Health and Safety

We take the health and safety of all our guests seriously. On arrival you should familiarise yourself with the layout of the apartment and building and the health and safety features of each therein. A first aid kit, fire blanket and fire extinguisher is provided with each apartment. If you notice any of these missing please let us know.

Quality and Feedback

We are committed to providing quality accommodation and conduct regular audits to ensure that high standards are maintained at the apartments.

In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your accommodation please notify the apartment manager or our reservations team as soon as possible in the first instance. If you do not give us the opportunity to resolve a problem during your stay, this may affect the final outcome of any complaint received.

We aim to deliver the best possible customer service, but in the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with our service, please contact us by email to info@eastvillage-belfast.co.uk


We may use your contact details to tell you about our services and apartments including special offers that we think may be of interest to you. If you do not want us to use your contact information please unsubscribe from our mailing list on receipt of the first unwanted email. All information collected or properly obtained during the booking process will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these conditions. Telephone calls may be monitored and/or recorded as a security measure, to help us to train our staff and improve our service to you


We reserve the right to change these conditions from time to time. If guests are in breach of any of these conditions, we reserve the right to request that guests vacate their apartment immediately and/or withhold security deposit.